
Total war warhammer factions guide
Total war warhammer factions guide

  • unit = one whole block of troops, represented by 1 unit card.
  • troop = a single model or soldier within a larger unit.
  • Members of the same race are represented by the same kind of shield outline in their heraldry
  • race = one of the many different species in TWW2 members of the same race tend to have similar overall strategies & playstyles.
  • total war warhammer factions guide

  • Lord = the leader of an army, who is always attached to an army.
  • All players start with 1 Legendary Lord at the start of the game, and more can be recruited if you Confederate or conquer others of your same race Legendary Lords get quests that improve their effectiveness when completed.
  • Legendary Lord = the uniquely-named leader of an army, who is always attached to an army, and who leads a faction in the game.
  • Heroes can be recruited at settlements after corresponding buildings are constructed

    total war warhammer factions guide

  • Hero = a powerful agent of a race heroes can conduct a variety of Campaign Map actions, and can be embedded into armies to add to the army’s fighting strength.
  • faction = a sub-set of a race, indicated by different colors & symbols on their heraldry.

  • Total war warhammer factions guide